Caransebeș inception
University of Montpellier inception
Královec time of earliest written record
Očihov time of earliest written record
Nižný Slavkov time of earliest written record
Nižný Slavkov inception
Rudrama Devi date of death
War of the Limburg Succession end time
Ton'a date of birth
House of Sickingen inception
William de Shareshull date of birth
Skutíčko time of earliest written record
Hermann von Gleichen date of death
Lžín time of earliest written record
Jenišovice time of earliest written record
start time
end time
Hermann I. zu Castell date of death
Johann I. date of birth
date of death
Castelberg family time of earliest written record
Heinrich II. date of birth
Inneres Sendlinger Tor time of earliest written record
Atahai date of death
Sigrid date of death
Israel And date of death
Kuninaga Tajimi date of birth
Yamayoshi Nagahisa date of birth
Juan III date of death
Same date – end time