November 22, 1553 · start time
June 1554 · end time
November 22, 1554 · 1 year
November 22, 1555 · 2 years
François Rabelais date of death
Santo André inception
Pedro de Valdivia date of death
Shatsk inception
Vigenère cipher time of discovery or invention
John Lyly date of birth
Wattasid dynasty dissolved, abolished or demolished date
Sebastiano Serlio date of death
Sebastiano Serlio work period (end)
Șehzade Cihangir date of death
Luca Marenzio date of birth
Jiřetín pod Jedlovou time of earliest written record
Vasiľov inception
Vasiľov time of earliest written record
Battles of Kawanakajima start time
Russo-Swedish War of 1554–57 start time
John Florio date of birth
Johannes Eccard date of birth
Hugh Willoughby date of death
Bonifazio Veronese date of death
Koslan inception
Villa Cornaro inception
Pierre de Lancre date of birth
Giovanni Salviati date of death
Giovanni Francesco Rustici work period (end)
Giovanni Francesco Rustici date of death
Cornelis Anthonisz. date of death
William Scrots date of death
William Scrots work period (end)
Mirza Muhammad Hakim date of birth
Prudencio de Sandoval date of birth
Johannes Aepinus date of death
Thomas Muffet date of birth
Benedetto Grazzini date of death
Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg date of birth
Jean de Bonsi date of birth
Emmanuel Adriaenssen date of birth
Giovanni Bernardi date of death
Augustin Cranach date of birth
Antonio Begarelli work period (end)
Jacques Bongars date of birth
Achille Marozzo date of death
Rinaldo del Mel date of birth
Robin Mallapert work period (end)
Robin Mallapert date of death
Nový Berštejn Castle inception
Gilles Durant de la Bergerie date of birth
Teramo Piaggio date of death
Honda Yasushige date of birth
Ralph Brooke date of birth
Hünigen Castle inception
Basílica José de Anchieta inception
Hindol State inception
Elway Bevin date of birth
John Cowell date of birth
Benedek Eszterhas date of death
Jerónimo Bautista Lanuza date of birth
Kokubu Morishige date of birth
Jan Grodek date of death
Minkhaung of Prome date of death
Francesco Signorelli date of death
Cristoforo Diana date of birth
Conrad Schetz date of birth
Anthony Toto date of death
Beware the Cat inception
Thomas St. Lawrence date of death
Yi Sun-sin (born 1554) date of birth
Min Taya Medaw date of birth
Francesco Gesualdo date of death
Attainder of Duke of Northumberland and others Act 1553 publication date
Cornelio Da Montalcino date of death
Sir Edmund Bedingfield date of death
John Gosnold date of death
Margaret Elter date of death
Henry Gawdy date of birth
John Chamberlain date of birth
Richard Ashton date of birth
William Harrison date of birth
William Morice date of death
Ralph Hutchinson date of birth
Thomas Lant date of birth
Thomas Wykes work period (start)
Sir Edmund Prideaux, 1st Baronet of Netherton date of birth
Reginald Bainbrigg date of death
Thomas Swynnerton date of death
John Gale date of death
Sydorovychi inception
Shum'iach inception
quai de la Tournelle inception
Badis dissolved, abolished or demolished date
Adrien of Croÿ date of death
Francesco Pasio date of birth
Lorenzo Bernardo work period (start)
Třebiště time of earliest written record
Anders Krag date of birth
Wolfgang Hausen date of birth
Oudard du Biez date of death
Galeazzo di Tarsia date of death
date of death
end time
Tenjin'yama Castle inception
Ivan Soltan date of death
Christoph Wertwein date of death
Georg von Logau date of death
Guillaume Le Gangneur date of birth
Francesco Guami date of birth
Pero de Góis date of death
Andrés de Melgar date of death
Agustí Pujol date of birth
Miguel Leitão de Andrada date of birth
date of birth
Takehime date of birth
date of birth
Ishikawa Yasunaga date of birth
Toshitaka Kuroda date of birth
Molla Nasrulla Vaqif date of death
Giordano Gonzaga date of birth
Chunxi Yu date of birth
Xue Fujiao date of birth
Zachaeus Faber date of birth
start time
Claude de La Guiche date of death
Pieter de Vos work period (start)
Pierre Bonsom de Donnaud date of birth
Giovita Ravizza date of death
Lazzaro Pantaleo Murassana date of birth
Pál Istvánffy date of death
Andrés de Cianca date of death
Pedro de Hinojosa date of death
Zhou Zhiji date of birth
Tang Yicen date of death
date of birth
date of death
Imaeda Shigenao date of birth
Saito Nobutoshi date of birth
date of birth
Murakami Motoyoshi date of birth
Keya Takehisa date of birth
Jakub Bosgrave date of birth
Curzio Mancini date of birth
date of birth
date of birth
Markus Beck date of death
Lucas van Doetecum work period (start)
Alvise Bassano date of death
Gerhard Lorich date of death
Gao Huan date of birth
Kilian Leib date of death
Wang Kuang date of death
Chen Dunlin date of birth
Wang Yue date of birth
Wang Daoxian date of birth
Edward Castelin date of birth
John Croke date of death
William Cooke date of death
James Lindsay date of birth
William Cholmley date of death
Ezekiel Culverwell date of birth
Edmund Peacham date of birth
Tadhg O'Carroll date of death
Triptych with the Stoning of Saint Stephen and the Legend of the Finding of his Grave inception