William Justice

English politician (1401-1521)
date of death

Same date – date of death

King of Portugal from 1495 to 1521
date of birth
date of death
December 13, 1521
52 years 6 months 12 days
German humanist and satirist
date of birth
date of death
May 10, 1521
63 years
emperor of the Ming Dynasty
date of birth
date of death
April 20, 1521
29 years 5 months 25 days
French noble (1491-1521)
date of birth
date of death
April 28, 1521
29 years 11 months 18 days
French priest
date of birth
date of death
January 6, 1521
23 years
Ming dynasty prince
date of death
Portuguese chronicler
date of birth
date of death
Year 1521
81 years
Lithuanian noble
date of birth
date of death
Year 1521
51 years
Ottoman Governor
date of death
Spanish Dominican missionary
date of birth
date of death
May 4, 1521
39 years