Terra d'Otranto
province of the Kingdom of Naples/Kingodm of the Two Sicilies
Same date – end time
FIDE chess tournament for national teams
start time
end time
July 30, 1927
0 years 12 days
13th series of the Five Nations, 40th overall
start time
end time
April 2, 1927
0 years 3 months 1 day
research expedition
start time
end time
June 2, 1927
2 years 1 month 17 days
15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party
start time
end time
December 19, 1927
0 years 17 days
badminton championships
start time
end time
March 6, 1927
0 years 4 days
World Esperanto Congress 1927
start time
end time
August 5, 1927
0 years 8 days