Master of the Death of the Virgin

engraver, active circa 1440-1450 in south Germany
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1450
10 years

Same date – work period (start)

Flemish manuscript illuminator (c.1444-1519)
work period (start)
date of birth
Year 1444
4 years
work period (end)
Year 1518
78 years
date of death
Year 1519
79 years
Byzantine composer
work period (start)
date of birth
Year 1440
0 years
work period (end)
Year 1463
23 years
date of death
Year 1463
23 years
German painter
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1460
20 years
spanish painter
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1470
30 years
Pere Oriola
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1484
44 years

Same date – work period (end)

Austrian painter
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1450
20 years
Spanish painter
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1450
25 years
Italian painter (1425–1450)
work period (start)
work period (end)
Year 1450
25 years