1408 start time
Bender inception
Veľkrop time of earliest written record
Veľkrop inception
Ďapalovce time of earliest written record
Ďapalovce inception
Albrechtičky time of earliest written record
Záhorovice time of earliest written record
Ostrov time of earliest written record
Veľké Rovné time of earliest written record
Veľké Rovné inception
Ctiboř time of earliest written record
Streženice inception
Streženice time of earliest written record
Medzibrodie nad Oravou time of earliest written record
Medzibrodie nad Oravou inception
André de Laval-Montmorency date of birth
Peter II, Count of Urgell date of death
Đurađ Radivojević date of death
Arnau Roger de Pallars date of birth
Philip de la Vache date of death
William Horlebat date of death
Gorod inception
Nakonechne Druge inception
Loučany time of earliest written record
Staré time of earliest written record
Moravany time of earliest written record
Miguel Alcañiz the Elder work period (start)
Joan Armengol date of death
date of death
Zhu Zanyi date of death
date of birth
Ashina Morinobu date of birth
Wang Xuan date of birth
David inception
Saint Giles with Christ Triumphant over Satan and the Mission of the Apostles inception