Sebastián Lartaún

Sebastián Lartaún
date of death

Same date – date of death

Elector Palatine
date of birth
date of death
October 22, 1583
44 years 3 months 18 days
French author, poet and translator of the Renaissance
date of birth
date of death
January 1, 1583
52 years 2 months
Swedish noble
date of birth
date of death
June 1583
24 years
Portuguese missionary
date of birth
date of death
Year 1583
58 years
Irish noble
date of birth
date of death
Italian artist (1520-1583)
date of birth
date of death
Year 1583
63 years
German noblewoman
date of birth
date of death
April 25, 1583
20 years 11 months 3 days
Romanian printer
date of death
Korean philosopher (1519-1583)
date of birth
date of death
Year 1583
64 years