Juan de la Barrera Perez
Mexican military personnel
Year 1841
13 years
September 13, 1847
19 years 2 months 15 days
June 26, 1828 · date of birth
Year 1841 · work period (start)
September 13, 1847 · date of death
June 26, 1829 · 1 year
June 26, 1830 · 2 years
June 26, 1831 · 3 years
June 26, 1832 · 4 years
June 26, 1833 · 5 years
June 26, 1834 · 6 years
June 26, 1835 · 7 years
June 26, 1836 · 8 years
June 26, 1837 · 9 years
June 26, 1838 · 10 years
June 26, 1839 · 11 years
June 26, 1840 · 12 years
June 26, 1841 · 13 years
June 26, 1842 · 14 years
June 26, 1843 · 15 years
June 26, 1844 · 16 years
June 26, 1845 · 17 years
June 26, 1846 · 18 years
June 26, 1847 · 19 years
June 26, 1848 · 20 years
Belgium inception
Chicago inception
Atlanta inception
Richard Wagner work period (start)
Charles Baudelaire work period (start)
Austin inception
South Australia inception
Emily Dickinson date of birth
Portland time of earliest written record
Benjamin Harrison date of birth
South Holland inception
Robert Koch date of birth
Ramakrishna date of birth
Salem inception
Carl von Clausewitz work period (end)
Carl von Clausewitz date of death
accordion inception
Paul Heyse date of birth
Humphry Davy date of death
Ernst Haeckel date of birth
Abdul Hamid II date of birth
Triton time of discovery or invention
Henry James date of birth
Gustave Eiffel date of birth
Sinaloa inception
Sitting Bull date of birth
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord date of death
Santa Barbara inception
Hamilton inception
Doppler effect time of discovery or invention
Alexander Borodin date of birth
Alexander Borodin work period (start)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov date of birth
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky date of birth
Eugene inception
Ilya Repin date of birth
Ivan Goncharov work period (start)
Camille Pissarro date of birth
University of London inception
Adolf von Baeyer date of birth
Charles XIV John of Sweden date of death
Nicolas Carnot date of death
Dante Gabriel Rossetti date of birth
neoclassicism end time
Ibadan inception
Josiah Willard Gibbs date of birth
Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette date of death
Vanadzor inception
A Christmas Carol publication date
Wuthering Heights publication date
Ludwig II of Bavaria date of birth
Springfield inception
Gran Colombia dissolved, abolished or demolished date
Friedrich Bessel date of death
Victorian era start time
Benjamin Constant date of death
Benjamin Constant work period (end)
Murad V date of birth
Samuel Butler date of birth
Cell theory inception
Vincenzo Bellini date of death
Adelbert von Chamisso work period (end)
Adelbert von Chamisso date of death
Mary Harris Jones date of baptism
Mary Harris Jones date of birth
Republic of Texas inception
Republic of Texas dissolved, abolished or demolished date
Machado de Assis date of birth
Wilhelm Busch date of birth
Randal Cremer date of birth
University of Zurich inception
Ballarat inception
Fredrik Bajer date of birth
Crazy Horse date of birth
James Dewar date of birth
Greek drachma start time
The Emperor's New Clothes publication date
William I of the Netherlands date of death
William I of the Netherlands work period (end)
Tanzimat start time
amylase time of discovery or invention
Anton Rubinstein date of birth
Foreign Legion inception
Dagneux inception
George Westinghouse date of birth
Élisée Reclus date of birth
Giovanni Verga date of birth
Charles Lamb date of death
Carl Menger date of birth
Charles Spurgeon date of birth
Jamsetji Tata date of birth
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad date of birth
Otto Wagner date of birth
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi date of birth
La Crosse inception
Sophus Lie date of birth
King William Island time of discovery or invention
Eugène Sue work period (start)
Brazoria County inception
Cherokee County inception
Jules Dumont d'Urville date of death
Waukesha inception
Davy Crockett date of death
Bradenton inception
Salto Department inception
Washington County inception
Burleson County inception
Robert Green Ingersoll date of birth
Marietta inception
Giovanni Giolitti date of birth
Camden County inception
Gonzales County inception
Muzio Clementi date of death
Randolph County inception
Peter I of Serbia date of birth
Tacuarembó Department inception
Pike County inception
Harrods inception
Sherman inception
Juniata County inception
Flekkefjord Municipality inception
Liberty County inception
Sabine County inception
Fulton County inception
Dixon inception
Father Damien date of birth
Hudson County inception
Greenville inception
Oxford inception
Thumbelina publication date
Sevier County inception
Centralia inception
Elk County inception
Westport inception
Roswell inception
Mississippi County inception
Cass County inception
Elverum inception
Lucas County inception
Wharton County inception
Cherokee County inception
NGC 3109 time of discovery or invention
Boyle County inception
Las Vegas inception
Lake Oswego inception
Midland County inception
Berrien County inception
Marshall County inception
NGC 147 time of discovery or invention
Marshall County inception
Jackson County inception
Kent County inception
Brown County inception
Lew Wallace work period (start)
Jasper County inception
Lowndes County inception
Emmet County inception
Stewart County inception
Scott County inception
Ottawa County inception
Beckley inception
Muscatine inception
Minna Canth date of birth
Hancock County inception
La Baronia de Rialb inception
Braxton County inception
Howard County inception
Carroll County inception
Friedrich List date of death
London Zoo inception
Cedar County inception
Dallas County inception
Ripley County inception
Tallahatchie County inception
Logan County inception
Rock Island County inception
LaSalle County inception
Fremantle inception
Iosco County inception
Cameron inception
Holzminden inception
Ferdinand Cohn date of birth
Ferdinand von Richthofen date of birth
Henry County inception
Van Buren County inception
Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald date of death
Cannon County inception
Wayne County inception
Shannon County inception
Stoddard County inception
Lewis County inception
Fulton County inception
Madison Parish inception
Huntington County inception
Franklin Parish inception
Searcy inception
Boone County inception
Delaware County inception
Buchanan County inception
Clinton County inception
Same date – date of birth
Julius von Westernhagen
date of birth
date of death
April 7, 1905
76 years 9 months 11 days
Same date – work period (start)
English photographer, author and inventor
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1841
22 years
work period (end)
Year 1875
56 years
date of death
March 19, 1875
55 years 5 months 28 days
English painter (1814-1901)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1841
27 years
work period (end)
Year 1885
71 years
date of death
May 26, 1901
87 years 22 days
Hungarian painter and lithographer (1821/2-1862)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1841
20 years
work period (end)
Year 1862
41 years
date of death
June 4, 1862
41 years
Czech painter and photographer (1809-1891)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1841
32 years
work period (end)
Year 1891
82 years
date of death
October 15, 1891
82 years 6 months 5 days
Same date – date of death
Mexican military personnel (1815-1847)
date of birth
date of death
September 13, 1847
32 years 6 months 22 days
Mexican military personnel (1829-1847)
date of birth
date of death
September 13, 1847
18 years 3 months 15 days