Francis Buller
English politician (died 1677)
Same date – date of death
painter from the Northern Netherlands (1623-1677)
date of birth
date of baptism
May 30, 1623
0 years
date of death
August 28, 1677
54 years 2 months 26 days
date of burial or cremation
September 2, 1677
54 years 3 months 3 days
British doctor
date of birth
date of death
October 16, 1677
80 years 2 days
French writer and composer
date of birth
date of death
October 29, 1677
72 years 13 days
Archbishop of Canterbury; Bishop of London (1598-1677)
date of birth
date of death
November 9, 1677
79 years 4 months 20 days
English colonial governor of Virginia
date of birth
date of death
July 9, 1677
72 years
German nobleman and general in the army of Brandenburg (1621-1677)
date of birth
date of death
December 14, 1677
56 years 4 days