Same date – discontinued date
discontinued date
May 30, 1992
2 years 6 months 6 days
Same date – end time
Games of the XXV Olympiad, in Barcelona, Spain
start time
end time
August 9, 1992
0 years 15 days
37th season of the UEFA club football tournament
start time
end time
May 20, 1992
0 years 8 months 3 days
overview of handball practiced at the 1992 Olympic Summer Games
start time
end time
August 8, 1992
0 years 12 days
JNA/Serb led siege
start time
end time
May 31, 1992
0 years 7 months 30 days
American television sitcom series
start time
end time
April 25, 1992
6 years 7 months 1 day
constitution from 1974 in Yugoslavia
start time
end time
April 27, 1992
18 years 2 months 6 days
1992 edition of the figure skating competitions during the Olympic Winter Games
start time
end time
February 21, 1992
0 years 12 days
1991–92 season of Football League First Division
start time
end time
May 2, 1992
0 years 8 months 16 days