Line 6c (CFL)

railway line in Luxembourg
start time

Same date – start time

civil conflict within the Ottoman Empire
start time
end time
July 11, 1860
0 years 1 month 19 days
Battle of Volturnus
start time
end time
October 2, 1860
0 years 7 days
former embassy dispatched by Japan to the United States in 1860
start time
end time
November 9, 1860
0 years 9 months
start time
end time
Year 1867
7 years
start time
end time
September 21, 1860
0 years 2 days
start time
end time
Year 1927
67 years
start time
end time
Year 1927
67 years
Describes the diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Paraguay
start time