
village in Svitavy District of Pardubice region
time of earliest written record

Same date – time of earliest written record

village in České Budějovice District of South Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
village in Svitavy District of Pardubice region
time of earliest written record
municipality of Slovakia in Michalovce district
time of earliest written record
Year 1347
0 years
obec in Louny District in the Ústí nad Labem Region of the Czech Republic
time of earliest written record
village in Pardubice District of Pardubice region
time of earliest written record
part of Malšice in Tábor District
time of earliest written record
part of Polička in Svitavy District
time of earliest written record
part of Polička in Svitavy District
time of earliest written record
time of earliest written record