Raid on the Medway
Dutch naval attack (1667) during the Second Anglo-Dutch War
June 14, 1667
0 years 5 days
François-Henri de Montmorency, duc de Luxembourg work period (start)
Kostelany time of earliest written record
Pažaislis Monastery inception
Santa Maria in Campitelli inception
Surinam inception
Zamastochka time of earliest written record
Simon Fraser, 11th Lord Lovat date of birth
Jacques Gabriel date of birth
Luigi Primo date of death
Anna Colbjørnsdatter date of birth
Frans Francken III date of death
Matachí inception
Aletta Beck date of birth
Angel with the Superscription inception
Mario Balassi work period (end)
Constantine I, Prince of Mukhrani date of death
Matteo Sassano date of birth
Waldburg-Waldsee inception
John Booker date of death
Orfeo Boselli date of death
John Wynne date of birth
Katakura Muranaga date of birth
St. Nicholas' Church, Bączal Dolny inception
Adam Boreel date of death
John Peeters date of birth
Alban Francis date of birth
Samuel Pullen date of death
William Chesebrough date of death
Ralph Freeman date of death
Sir Richard Lucy, 1st Baronet date of death
Johannes Buns date of death
Sir James Gray, 1st Baronet date of birth
Robert Witham date of birth
William Rawley date of death
Besidi inception
Vishniaki inception
Acadia inception
Grégoire de Rostrenen date of birth
Sant’Ignazio inception
Krutitsy Patriarchal Metochion inception
Bartholdus Vhael date of birth
time of earliest written record
László Révay date of death
Stadtteilschule Bahrenfeld inception
Tō͘ Kun-eng date of birth
Johannes Zeisold date of death
date of birth
Georg Melchior Ludolf date of birth
Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in Vereya inception
Johann Böhme date of death
Johann Jäger date of birth
Joachim Glasenapp date of death
Godefrida Agneta Maria Ignatia Huyn van Geleen date of death
Alberto Sforza date of birth
Giuseppe da Soleto date of death
Vasco de Contreras y Valverde date of death
Axel Duwall date of birth
Wu Kongjia date of death
Honda Narihiro date of birth
Johann Marschalck date of death
Caspar Preis date of death
Jan Oostervelt date of death
Georg Friedrich von Spörcken date of birth
Wu Tang date of birth
Portrait of a family on a terrace inception
The Doctor's Visit inception
Paul von Serényi date of death
Philip de Cardonnel date of death
Walter Bushnell date of death
Joseph Hill date of birth
Edward Penington date of birth
Wybrand de Geest II date of birth
Portrait of Joris Goethals (1584/86-1670) inception
Portrait of a man, possibly Aert van Nes (1626-1693) inception
Portrait of Pieter de la Court inception
Regentesses of the Leproos-, Pest, and Dolhuis in Haarlem inception