Patriarch Matthew II of Constantinople

Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
date of death

Same date – date of death

Mughal princess
date of birth
date of death
February 7, 1603
80 years
Flemish musician and composer
date of birth
date of death
July 4, 1603
82 years
Italian painter (1536-1603)
date of birth
date of death
July 25, 1603
66 years 7 months 20 days
Dutch painter(1550-1603)
date of birth
date of death
English actor and dancer
date of birth
date of death
Year 1603
43 years
Polish noble
date of birth
date of death
Indian saint
date of birth
date of death
Year 1603
59 years
Spanish Jesuit (1549-1603)
date of birth
date of death
April 25, 1603
54 years 1 month
botanist (1513-1603)
date of birth
date of death
June 10, 1603
90 years