William Towers
Same date – date of death
Dutch painter (1580—1666)
date of birth
date of death
August 26, 1666
75 years
date of burial or cremation
September 1, 1666
75 years
French architect (1598-1666)
date of birth
date of death
September 23, 1666
68 years 8 months
human (1595-1666)
date of birth
date of death
August 30, 1666
71 years 3 months 3 days
Spanish artist (1637-1666)
date of birth
date of baptism
April 19, 1637
0 years
work period (start)
Year 1641
4 years
date of death
June 29, 1666
29 years 2 months
work period (end)
Year 1685
48 years
Dutch admiral (1600-1666)
date of birth
date of death
August 5, 1666
66 years 6 months 4 days
Dutch Golden Age painter (1594–1666)
date of birth
date of death
February 19, 1666
72 years
Anglo-Welsh historian and writer
date of birth
date of death
Year 1666
72 years
date of burial or cremation
November 3, 1666
72 years
Italian cardinal
date of birth
date of death
February 8, 1666
74 years