Siege of Mangup
Lorenzo di Credi work period (start)
Sultanate of Demak inception
Marcantonio Trivisan date of birth
Záriečie inception
Záriečie time of earliest written record
New Castle of Manzanares el Real inception
Claus Berg date of birth
Petar Berislavić date of birth
Aleksander Chodkiewicz date of birth
Silvia Ruffini date of birth
Formicarius publication date
Raden Patah date of birth
Ghent-Bruges school start time
Jakob Heilmann date of birth
Hong Yun-sung date of death
Francesco da Ponte date of birth
Gottschalk von Ahlefeldt date of birth
Philip I, Count of Waldeck date of death
Rewani date of birth
Giovanni Angelo Del Maino date of birth
Katherine Percy date of death
Heures de Charles d'Angoulême inception
Chiesa dell'Immacolata inception
Life of Esther inception
Antonio Beccadelli di Bologna date of birth
Thomas van der Noot date of birth
Khlopivka inception
Luchyntsi inception
Panenská Hůrka time of earliest written record
Ottoman conquest of the southern coast of Crimea end time
Adrien of Croÿ date of birth
Darvish Muhammad work period (start)
Oudard du Biez date of birth
Pietro Cavaro work period (start)
Sainte-Chapelle d'Aigueperse inception
Maître Claude date of birth
Pierre Sutor date of birth
Alonso Palma work period (start)
Zhu Gonglian date of death
date of birth
Zhu Xunquan date of death
date of birth
Chiba Tanemune date of birth
Madonna and Child inception
Giovanni Gaspare Pedoni work period (start)
Master of the Arcetri Altarpiece date of death
Francesc Galceran de Pinós i Fenollet date of death
Colin Campbell date of death