Francisco Aparicio Mendoza
Same date – work period (start)
French painter; (1840-1926)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
29 years
work period (end)
Year 1909
69 years
date of death
September 30, 1926
85 years 9 months 29 days
American artist (1854-1907)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
15 years
work period (end)
Year 1907
53 years
date of death
November 23, 1907
53 years 6 months 2 days
Czech painter and university educator (1849-1916)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
20 years
work period (end)
Year 1916
67 years
date of death
November 15, 1916
67 years 5 months 21 days
painter from the Netherlands (1854-1897)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
15 years
work period (end)
Year 1897
43 years
date of death
October 1, 1897
43 years 6 months 18 days
French painter
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
15 years
work period (end)
Year 1921
67 years
date of death
April 23, 1921
67 years 1 month 13 days
Sophus Larpent
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
31 years
work period (end)
Year 1911
73 years
date of death
March 3, 1911
73 years
Same date – work period (end)
French painter; (1840-1926)
date of birth
work period (start)
Year 1869
29 years
work period (end)
Year 1909
69 years
date of death
September 30, 1926
85 years 9 months 29 days