end time
February 1245
0 years 5 months


John XXII date of birth
Stropkov inception
Veľký Krtíš inception
Veľký Krtíš time of earliest written record
Sliač time of earliest written record
Sliač inception
Rusudan of Georgia date of death
Báhoň inception
Báhoň time of earliest written record
Čataj time of earliest written record
Čataj inception
Šurice inception
Šurice time of earliest written record
Brhlovce inception
Brhlovce time of earliest written record
Biely Kostol inception
Biely Kostol time of earliest written record
Veľký Klíž time of earliest written record
Vojka time of earliest written record
Vojka inception
Ingeborg of Denmark, Queen of Norway date of birth
Bouchard IV of Avesnes date of death
Rheinfels Castle inception
Al-Ashraf date of birth
Louis of France date of birth
Johann von Sponheim date of birth
Lawrence of Portugal date of death
Pere I Ferrandis d'Híxar date of birth
Hong Dagu date of birth
Baldwin of Ibelin, bailli of Jerusalem date of birth
Al-Muzaffar Mahmud date of death
Arnaut Plagués date of death
Matilda de Braose date of death
Ralph Crepyn date of birth
Janovičky time of earliest written record
Levi ben Abraham ben Hayyim date of birth
Pere Martell date of death
Rohard of Cayphas date of death
Margaret of Navarre, Duchess of Lorraine date of birth
Sofie von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg date of birth
Alte Elsterbrücke time of earliest written record
Hembergen time of earliest written record
Kloster Brenkhausen inception
Andreev time of earliest written record
Mathe de Montcade date of birth
Burgruine Zöch inception
Thoros of Armenia date of birth
Markward II. von Bickenbach date of birth
Guy de Cortone date of death
Ato I de Foces date of death
Yuan Hong date of birth
Ju Yinglong date of death
start time