Aleksandar Masalski

Aleksandar Masalski
date of death
date of burial or cremation

Same date – date of death

participant in the Antinomian Controversy
date of birth
date of baptism
July 20, 1591
0 years
date of death
Year 1643
52 years
French theologian
date of birth
date of death
October 11, 1643
62 years
politician (1584-1643)
date of birth
date of death
December 8, 1643
59 years
Japanese samurai
date of birth
date of death
October 26, 1643
64 years
Italian scientist
date of birth
date of death
Year 1643
43 years
Italian cardinal (1592-1643)
date of birth
date of death
British sailor
date of birth
date of death
Year 1643
63 years
English mathematician
date of birth
date of death
Year 1643
80 years
Indian poet
date of birth
date of death
Year 1643
57 years
English nobleman
date of birth
date of death
April 8, 1643
56 years