
village in Jihlava District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record

Same date – time of earliest written record

village in Praha-západ District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
village in Jihlava District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in Chrudim District of Pardubice region
time of earliest written record
village in Jihlava District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in Šumperk District of Olomouc region
time of earliest written record
village in Benešov District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
part of Onomyšl in Kutná Hora District
time of earliest written record
village in Jindřichův Hradec District of South Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
village in Kolín District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record