
part of Chabařovice in Ústí nad Labem District
time of earliest written record

Same date – time of earliest written record

village in Žďár nad Sázavou District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in Tachov District of Plzeň region
time of earliest written record
village in Náchod District of Hradec Králové region
time of earliest written record
village in Jičín District of Hradec Králové region
time of earliest written record
village in Rychnov nad Kněžnou District of Hradec Králové region
time of earliest written record
village in Třebíč District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in České Budějovice District of South Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
human settlement in Germany
time of earliest written record
village in Tábor District of South Bohemian region
time of earliest written record