War of James IV of Mallorca
Stefan Lazarević date of birth
Zašová time of earliest written record
Šošůvka time of earliest written record
Bernartice nad Odrou time of earliest written record
De mulieribus claris inception
Skelivka inception
Elisabetta Visconti date of birth
Nicholas II Sanudo date of death
Francescuccio Ghissi work period (end)
Zhu Gui date of birth
Shihabuddeen Ahmed Koya Shaliyathi date of death
Alexander Stewart of Darnley date of death
Dlouhé Mosty time of earliest written record
Loučka time of earliest written record
Rudka u Kunštátu time of earliest written record
Caßlau/Koslow time of earliest written record
Église des Saints-Archanges inception
Fengyangfu inception
Madonna delle Grazie inception
Niccolò I Malatesta date of death
Akamatsu Sadanori date of death
Alvar García de Albornoz date of death
Tang Su date of death
date of birth
War of James IV of Mallorca start time
War of James IV of Mallorca end time
date of birth