
village in Příbram District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record

Same date – time of earliest written record

village and municipality of the Czech Republic
time of earliest written record
village in Jindřichův Hradec District of South Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
town in the Czech Republic
time of earliest written record
village in Plzeň-sever District of Plzeň region
time of earliest written record
village in Praha-východ District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
village in Hodonín District of South Moravian region
time of earliest written record
village in Rakovník District of Central Bohemian region
time of earliest written record
municipality of Slovakia
time of earliest written record
Year 1358
0 years
part of Ivanovice na Hané in Vyškov District
time of earliest written record
part of Strážek in Žďár nad Sázavou District
time of earliest written record