
village in Žďár nad Sázavou District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record

Same date – time of earliest written record

village in Havlíčkův Brod District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in Žďár nad Sázavou District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
village in Šumperk District of Olomouc region
time of earliest written record
village in Třebíč District of Vysočina region
time of earliest written record
municipality of Slovakia
time of earliest written record
Year 1350
0 years
municipality of Slovakia
time of earliest written record
Year 1350
0 years
market town in Zlín, Czech Republic
time of earliest written record
village in Jičín District of Hradec Králové region
time of earliest written record
human settlement in Germany
time of earliest written record
part of Železnice in Jičín District
time of earliest written record