Tábor time of earliest written record
Andrea del Castagno date of birth
Taborite inception
Horná Lehota inception
Horná Lehota time of earliest written record
Dobříč time of earliest written record
Luciano Laurana date of birth
Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Anjou date of birth
Dionysius I of Constantinople date of birth
Marco Barbo date of birth
Amadea Palaiologina of Montferrat date of birth
Konrad X the White date of birth
Benedetto Bonfigli date of birth
Stefano Nardini date of birth
Loyset Liédet date of birth
Isaac ben Moses Arama date of birth
Filippovskoye time of earliest written record
Johannes Legrant date of birth
Binnya Kyan date of birth
Madhavendra Puri date of birth
Saint Matthew inception
Petar Pavlović date of death
Creation of Adam, animals, and Eve, and the Original Sin inception
Heinrich Wittenwiler date of death
Hans von Nussdorf date of birth
Solomon Alami date of death
Arnold Savage date of death
Martin De La See date of birth
James Fitzwilliam date of death
Tudur Penllyn date of birth
Ibrahim I of the Maldives date of death
John Albeni date of death
Jack Cade date of birth
Bukivtsovo inception
Chrášťovice time of earliest written record
Mastířovice time of earliest written record
Kounice time of earliest written record
Košov time of earliest written record
Kemâleddin Ismâil Bey date of birth
Prokop von Rabstein date of birth
Simon Batz date of birth
Chiesa di San Michele inception
date of birth
date of birth
Wilhelm Oettingen date of birth
Michael Czacheritz date of birth
Gijsbertha van Bronckhorst date of birth
Santa Chiara inception
Francesco Coppola date of birth
Andrzej date of death
João de Noronha, senhor de Sortelha date of birth
Yeongamhyanggyo inception
Zuo Xian date of birth
Li Hong date of birth
date of birth
Ma Xun date of birth
Gao Zongben date of birth
date of birth
date of birth
Chen Hao date of birth
date of birth
Guillaume de la Marche date of death
Arnaut Donat date of birth
Madonna Martello inception
Johann Lüneburg date of birth
Wang Qin date of birth
John Chinnok date of death
Richard Caistor date of death