Year 825 · start time
Year 827 · end time
January 1, 826 · 1 year
January 1, 827 · 2 years
January 1, 828 · 3 years
Nitra inception
Saint Cyril the Philosopher date of birth
Ariwara no Narihira date of birth
Ali ibn Muhammad date of birth
Ulaia binte Almadi date of death
William of Septimania date of birth
Heondeok of Silla date of death
Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog date of death
Grimbald date of birth
Máel Bressail mac Ailillo date of death
end time
start time
Yeomgeo date of death
Irmengarde de Germanie date of birth
Fulrad date of death
Aurelio de Córdoba date of birth
Liu Keming date of death
Ki no Suenari date of death
date of death
Aslak Bifrakari Aunsson date of birth
date of death