Bao Liangzuo
Year 1418 · date of birth
Year 1449 · date of death
January 1, 1419 · 1 year
January 1, 1420 · 2 years
January 1, 1421 · 3 years
January 1, 1422 · 4 years
January 1, 1423 · 5 years
January 1, 1424 · 6 years
January 1, 1425 · 7 years
January 1, 1426 · 8 years
January 1, 1427 · 9 years
January 1, 1428 · 10 years
January 1, 1429 · 11 years
January 1, 1430 · 12 years
January 1, 1431 · 13 years
January 1, 1432 · 14 years
January 1, 1433 · 15 years
January 1, 1434 · 16 years
January 1, 1435 · 17 years
January 1, 1436 · 18 years
January 1, 1437 · 19 years
January 1, 1438 · 20 years
January 1, 1439 · 21 years
January 1, 1440 · 22 years
January 1, 1441 · 23 years
January 1, 1442 · 24 years
January 1, 1443 · 25 years
January 1, 1444 · 26 years
January 1, 1445 · 27 years
January 1, 1446 · 28 years
January 1, 1447 · 29 years
January 1, 1448 · 30 years
January 1, 1449 · 31 years
January 1, 1450 · 32 years
Inca Empire inception
Vlad the Impaler date of birth
Galați inception
Masaccio date of death
Ivan III of Moscow date of birth
Luca Pacioli date of birth
Smederevo inception
Soest inception
Christian I of Denmark date of birth
Council of Constance end time
Antonello da Messina date of birth
Tábor time of earliest written record
Ryukyu Kingdom inception
John VIII Palaiologos date of death
Aldus Manutius date of birth
Hussite Wars start time
Hussite Wars end time
Naantali inception
Catherine of Valois date of death
Arnolfini Portrait inception
Berestechko inception
Andrea del Castagno date of birth
Makaryev inception
Stefan Lazarević date of death
Catherine of Lancaster date of death
Storozhynets time of earliest written record
Zhengtong Emperor date of birth
Jorge Manrique date of birth
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros date of birth
Albert VI, Archduke of Austria date of birth
Filippo Maria Visconti date of death
Eleanor of Aragon date of death
Philippa of England date of death
Galeazzo Maria Sforza date of birth
Dorothea of Brandenburg date of birth
Antonio de Nebrija date of birth
Joanna II of Naples date of death
Rodolphus Agricola date of birth
Juana Enríquez date of birth
Giovanni Giustiniani date of birth
Lorenzo Monaco work period (end)
Lorenzo Monaco date of death
Luniniec time of earliest written record
Oswald von Wolkenstein date of death
Yolanda de Aragon date of death
Hubert van Eyck date of death
Edigu date of death
Joan of Portugal date of birth
Louis III of Naples date of death
Talačyn time of earliest written record
Abu Sa'id Mirza date of birth
Lê Lợi date of death
Zwoleń inception
Johannes Tinctoris date of birth
Go-Kameyama date of death
Alexander I of Moldavia date of death
Taborite inception
Sianno time of earliest written record
Husayn Bayqarah date of birth
Fričkovce time of earliest written record
Fričkovce inception
Ludvíkovice time of earliest written record
Abrahámovce, Bardejov District inception
Abrahámovce, Bardejov District time of earliest written record
Žďárná time of earliest written record
Alexios IV of Trebizond date of death
Miková time of earliest written record
Miková inception
Květinov time of earliest written record
Opatovice time of earliest written record
Břvany time of earliest written record
Horní Lhota time of earliest written record
Proč inception
Proč time of earliest written record
Chvalčov time of earliest written record
Horní Lhota time of earliest written record
Podbořanský Rohozec time of earliest written record
Vrchy time of earliest written record
Mokrosuky time of earliest written record
Nové Dvory time of earliest written record
Michael Wolgemut date of birth
Olivera Lazarević date of death
Revúcka Lehota time of earliest written record
Revúcka Lehota inception
Krpeľany inception
Krpeľany time of earliest written record
Nové Dvory time of earliest written record
Sukorady time of earliest written record
Dolná Ves inception
Dolná Ves time of earliest written record
Horná Lehota inception
Horná Lehota time of earliest written record
Mládzovo inception
Mládzovo time of earliest written record
Lubeník time of earliest written record
Lubeník inception
Seletice time of earliest written record
Dobříč time of earliest written record
Újezdec time of earliest written record
Lê dynasty inception
Dubno inception
Dubno time of earliest written record
Gian Giacomo Trivulzio date of birth
Čeláre inception
Kostolec inception
Kostolec time of earliest written record
Lhota pod Libčany time of earliest written record
Zalaba inception
Zalaba time of earliest written record
Jasová time of earliest written record
Jasová inception
Nová Ves nad Váhom inception
Nová Ves nad Váhom time of earliest written record
Order of the Minims inception
Libišany time of earliest written record
Těškovice time of earliest written record
Martín Alonso Pinzón date of birth
Prussian Confederation inception
Pierre d'Aubusson date of birth
Kynceľová time of earliest written record
Kynceľová inception
Vlkančice time of earliest written record
Antipope Benedict XIV (Bernard Garnier) date of death
Giorgio da Sebenico work period (start)
Charles II of Lorraine date of death
Pierre Cauchon date of death
Ješkova Ves time of earliest written record
Družstevná pri Hornáde time of earliest written record
Jovsa time of earliest written record
Jovsa inception
Marie of Berry, Duchess of Auvergne date of death
Charles I, Margrave of Baden-Baden date of birth
Elizabeth Granowska date of death
Despina Khatun date of birth
Niccolò Albergati date of death
Adolph I date of death
Duchy of Thuringia dissolved, abolished or demolished date
Peter Schöffer date of birth
Mechthild of the Palatinate date of birth
Odette de Champdivers date of death
Bern Minster inception
Bryukhovychi inception
Bruges City Hall date of official opening
Francesco Pesellino date of birth
Desiderio da Settignano date of birth
Francesco II Acciaioli date of birth
Francesco Bussone date of death
Vakhtang IV of Georgia date of death
John IV, Duke of Mecklenburg date of death
Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl Rivers date of birth
Marcus Antonius Coccius Sabellicus date of birth
Luciano Laurana date of birth
Dan II of Wallachia date of death
Constantine II of Georgia date of birth
Margaret of Bavaria, Marchioness of Mantua date of birth
John V, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg date of birth
Abd al-Haqq II date of birth
Ambrogio Calepino date of birth
St. Elizabeth's flood start time
St. Elizabeth's flood end time
Agnes of Cleves date of birth
Agnes of Cleves date of burial or cremation
Agnes of Cleves date of death
Adolf, Duke of Guelders date of birth
Vincenzo Foppa date of birth
Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Anjou date of birth
Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol date of birth
Beltrán de la Cueva, 1st Duke of Alburquerque date of birth
Dionysius I of Constantinople date of birth
Adam of Fulda date of birth
Theodora Tocco date of death
John Uroš date of death
Johannes de Thurocz date of birth
Palazzi Barbaro inception
Josetsu date of death
Pedro Madruga date of birth
Malik Ibrahim date of death
Dirk Martens date of birth
Shaykh al-Mahmudi date of death
Muhammed VIII, Sultan of Granada date of death
Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury date of death
Dorothy Garai date of death
Lucas Watzenrode date of birth
Francesco Salviati date of birth
Girolamo Basso della Rovere date of birth
Francesco Bianchi date of birth
Naslavcea time of earliest written record
Antonio Pallavicini Gentili date of birth
Niccolò dell'Arca date of birth
Janusz I of Warsaw date of death
Sheikh Hamdullah date of birth
Ibn al-Jazari date of death
Terebleche inception
Appenzell Wars end time
Yeshaq I date of death
Insu date of birth
Château de Sedan inception
Joseph Volotsky date of birth
Elisabetta Visconti date of death
Katerynivka inception
Same date – date of birth
Austrian archduke and duke
date of birth
date of death
December 2, 1463
44 years 11 months 14 days
Genoese captain and soldier (15th century)
date of birth
date of death
June 1, 1453
35 years
Constable of France
date of birth
date of death
December 19, 1475
57 years
Count of Nassau-Weilburg (1429-1490)
date of birth
date of death
March 19, 1492
74 years 7 days
Queen Consort of Munjong of Joseon and mother of Danjong of Joseon
date of birth
date of death
July 24, 1441
23 years 4 months 12 days
Italian priest who took place in the Pazzi conspiracy
date of birth
date of death
May 3, 1478
60 years
Same date – date of death
English Countess born in Wales (1444-1449)
date of birth
date of death
January 3, 1449
4 years 10 months 20 days
date of birth
date of death
August 1449
54 years