end time
January 13, 1544
0 years 4 days


Útěchovičky time of earliest written record
Hejnice time of earliest written record
Maddalena Casulana date of birth
Jacopo Strada work period (start)
Jean Alfonse date of death
Lucas Horenbout date of death
John Boste date of birth
Rajasinha I of Sitawaka date of birth
Dadu Dayal date of birth
Andras Guttormsson date of death
Mansur Khan date of death
Yujeong date of birth
Rachel Akerman date of death
Cho Hŏn date of birth
Bhai Bala date of death
Denis Janot date of death
Denis Janot work period (end)
Leonor de Ovando date of birth
Giovanni Soro date of death
Hara Nagayori date of birth
Cheonseongjinseong inception
William Gonson date of death
Shinagawa Masakazu date of birth
Alberto de las Casas date of death
Christopher Nugent date of birth
Richard Layton date of death
Robert Glover date of birth
Thomas Paget, 3rd Baron Paget date of birth
William Ryder date of birth
Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol inception
Obodivka inception
Skalka time of earliest written record
Dolní Podhájí time of earliest written record
Mečov time of earliest written record
Minkovice time of earliest written record
Oslí time of earliest written record
Proloh time of earliest written record
Rohanov time of earliest written record
Hůrka time of earliest written record
Lhota nad Rohanovem time of earliest written record
Hlohov time of earliest written record
Svinná time of earliest written record
Abu Abdallah VI date of death
Benedictus Ducis date of death
Erhard Barg date of birth
Gottes Sohn ist kommen publication date
Andrés Rey de Artieda date of birth
Ikeda Tomomasa date of birth
Miquel Joan Porta date of birth
Šidlov time of earliest written record
Lu Shen date of death
Juan Rodríguez date of death
Giovanni Battista Brusasorci date of birth
De curis mulierum publication date
Commentarii in Sex Libros Pedacii Dioscoridis inception
date of birth
Alexander Seitz date of death
Barbara Salutati date of death
Roman Catholic Diocese of Smederevo (Semendria) inception
Giovanni Maria Scolarici date of death
Pokrovskoe (former village) time of earliest written record
Onuki Yorihisa date of birth
Yamada Tokinari date of birth
Xiong Dunpu date of birth
Sungseon-gun date of death
Portrait of Barbara Kressin inception
Adriaan de Witte inception